
Finances and Budget

Generate flawless quotations, contracts and settlements

Generate documents with a single click and save time

Have quotations, contracts and settlements created for you. This way you limit mistakes and prevent losses.

  • Make quotations based on the number of planned resources, their schedules, prices and discounts.
  • Reduce errors in quotation production for potential clients.
  • Format your settlement based on actual numbers and times, in preparation for invoicing.

Calculate your end result without any effort

Keep an overview on all your deals and forecasts
Every show and event has its own financials. Create forecasts and find out in detail how much your event will cost and generate. 
  • Make the forecasts as detailed as you like. 
  • Calculate income and expenditure per type of activity.
  • Export data to your invoicing or budgeting software.
  • Import data into spreadsheets or BI tools.  

“All documents are created so easily. If you fill out times and resources correctly, the quotation and invoice are as good as ready” 

- Marlous de Groot, Kunstmin (The Netherlands).