
Resource Management

Get a clear overview of resources

Manage your resources in Yesplan and book them for events

The resource database contains all resources, from chairs to lighting technicians.

  • Book what you need and charge by the item, per hour, day, show etc.
  • Customise your pricing according to the type of customer.
  • Be alerted in case of overlapping bookings and resource conflicts.
  • Give staff access to the information they need.

Oversee your resources for optimal use

Have a better understanding of people and materials in use on an event and the associated costs 

Warnings make you aware of shortages or overlap, so you make no mistakes.  

  • Avoid double- or overbooking by limiting the number of resources.
  • Monitor resource usage in order to optimise it.
  • Track costs when booking resources.
  • Create quotes when booking resources. 

“I used to not be able to book materials or people on an event. Yesplan saves pre-production a lot of work.”

 - Marlous de Groot, Kunstmin (The Netherlands).